FEBRUARY 6, 2020 2

Well, I guess this falls under the category of “No news is good news”. Other than the drop in blood pressure (which was corrected with medicine) and a few involuntary movements, there is not much to report. He has not woken up yet. “Yet” being the operative word because he will, in fact, wake up. Don’t tell us otherwise for your own safety.

We are confident Jon is in there. We know his brilliant brain must just be too busy doing quantum physics to be bothered with mundane tasks like waking up. What isn’t too mundane for him though? The sound of Megan’s voice. At first opportunity this morning, per usual, Megan visited her husband and talked to him. At the sound of her voice Jon’s normally-rolling eyes shot over to Megan’s direction for the briefest of seconds. This, my friends, is what keeps us going. Going back to update 3, it’s “the little things” that keeps wind in our sails. So many people from across the globe have contacted us about similar experiences. Many of which were in a coma desperately fighting their way out. Some people recall flashes of sounds from loved ones, and others maintain they had constant dreams of trying to get back to their family. Wherever Jon is, we know he is fighting his way back to this side. Let’s try to not think about how f***king pissed he will be when he finds out what happened to his body. Not to mention the multiple “Jon Stories” shared bedside that we all promised to keep in confidence. Sorry?? But, no. Not really. I’m sure many of you can relate; Jon’s hysterical, witty and caring personality is bigger than life. I have no doubt that many of you reading this right now have multiple “Jon Stories” that could add to our loving “roast”. And please do, email them (or anything you want to say, or share) to our account set up specifically for Jon’s journey WatsonNation21@gmail.com.

These next few days and weeks will mark the infinitesimal progress Jon will hopefully continue to embark on during his marathon towards recovery.

Please keep him and the entire Watson (plus extended) family in your thoughts. We are reading, hearing, and feeling each and every one of them.





FEBRUARY 7, 2020


FEBRUARY 6, 2020 1